Nordic Legacy

Although a small country and market, Tre Danmark recently celebrated a number of key milestones and benchmarks in its history.

First up, Tre turned 18 and, as a ‘grown up’, it got to have a big party at head office with staff enjoying music, croissants, smoothies and Denmark’s famous luxury liquorice, Lakrids by Bülow. Custom packaging of the liquorice featured Tre’s popular dog of TVC fame, with some canine friends.

A lot has happened over the past 18 years. But Tre is especially proud to be Denmark’s first 3G telecommunications network, as well as the first with Free Speech, WiFi calls, and first with fee-free roaming in six European countries.

A big “Tak” to the employees who have made the company what it is today.

And in October, Tre reached a new milestone with 8000 LinkedIn followers. Tre is offering exciting employment opportunities and is set to go from strength to strength. Here’s to the next 18 years!